I"m looking to import a project back to web maker after making my custom changes.
I'm following the below thread,
but, while i import i'm getting following error.
Error parsing export. Please make sure you have selected a valid project export file.
am i doing it wrong,
basically i want to write some code(for file validation and scan) in FileUploadTestPlugin.java and import it.
some help and guidance is much appreciated.
noor syed
I"m looking to import a project back to web maker after making my custom changes.
I'm following the below thread,
but, while i import i'm getting following error.
Error parsing export. Please make sure you have selected a valid project export file.
am i doing it wrong,
basically i want to write some code(for file validation and scan) in FileUploadTestPlugin.java and import it.
some help and guidance is much appreciated.
noor syed
RE: customise an project export and import it back
Welcome to the forum.
If I understand correctly, you are looking to create a project that allows the user to upload files, which you will then scan for viruses etc.
To do this you shouldn't need to export and re-import your project as you can just make the changes to the project within the studio.
When writing and updating the Java code for the plugin you just need to ensure that the compiled files are present in the correct location for the project in the 'users' directory. (eg .../users/user1/<workspace>/mvc/<project>/webapp/WEB-INF/lib or /classes)
Can I ask what WebMaker version you are using? The example project included in the forum post you have referenced is applicable to version 8+, so you may have problems trying to import this into an earlier WebMaker version.
If you are using version 8, can you provide some more details of the exact steps you are taking that cause the error? In addition, it would be useful to see any non empty log files from the .../design/blueprints/xlog directory after the import has failed.
RE: customise an project export and import it back
Hi Gerard,
thanks for the response, it did help (btw i'm using webmaker 8.0)
i have another query, i suppose webmaker builds files on run test, i have added a print line(System.out.println("did hit")) in FileUploadTestPlugin.java processInput(), but it doesn't look getting executed. is there any build process i need to follow after changes,
RE: customise an project export and import it back
WebMaker wont actually compile your Java code during the 'Run Test' process, as most projects do not require any custom code. What it will do is ensure that the code is available in the runtime environment as long as the compiled classes are placed in the locations I mentioned previously.
You can use what ever approach you would like to actually compile the code.
The example export provided in that thread includes a simple Ant build script that you may want to use as a starting point. This can be found in the <project>/webapp/WEB-INF/src directory, and can be executed by simply running 'ant' from this location.
Alternatively you may wish to use compilation options provided by the editor you are using. It doesn't really matter as long as the resulting files end up in the correct location.
I hope this helps