The How do I call SOAP Services? FAQ entry shows the basic steps needed to call a SOAP based web service using WebMaker. This made use of an example 'contacts' service provided by Hyfinity.
This project export expands on this example to provide a complete application making use of the different operations provided by these example web services.
To use this project in WebMaker v5 follow the steps in post 2
To import this project follow these steps:
You should now be able to successfully run the application.
This project export expands on this example to provide a complete application making use of the different operations provided by these example web services.
To use this project in WebMaker v5 follow the steps in post 2
To import this project follow these steps:
- Download the attached zip file.
[/*][*] From the 'Projects' screen within the studio, select the 'Import' option.
[/*][*] For WebMaker 3.1.2 onwards you can use the first browse button to select the downloaded file. For older versions you will need to first extract the zip to a temporary location, and then browse to select the 'exported_project.xml' file in this directory.
[/*][*] By default, this imported project will be called 'Contacts', but a new name can be entered at this point if required.
[/*][*] Click 'Import' to complete the import process.
[/*][*] Open up FormMaker for the imported project, and use the 'Deploy Application' button to deploy to the runtime environment.[/*]
You should now be able to successfully run the application.
Contacts Example Application for WebMaker v5