we're having to upgrade BizFlow, which is forcing us to upgrade our Tomcat version too. Teamserver obviously sits on Tomcat and the folders will need to be migrated to the new folders - can you confirm which files need to be updated so that Teamserver knows the correct folder structure it is located upon?
we're having to upgrade BizFlow, which is forcing us to upgrade our Tomcat version too. Teamserver obviously sits on Tomcat and the folders will need to be migrated to the new folders - can you confirm which files need to be updated so that Teamserver knows the correct folder structure it is located upon?
Hi kidder,
I hope you are well.
When you install the TeamServer it adds a few different components to the tomcat installation:
The actual data of the projects etc is stored in the TeamServerData folder. By default, this is located within the root of the Tomcat directory, although this could have been changed at install time.
In addition there will be a wmteamserver.properties file in the Tomcat root directory, as well as a TeamServerUninstall directory which contains the uninstaller.
The TeamServer functionality is implemented by a combination of three webapps, which get installed under the Tomcat webapps folder. In the BizFlow case these will be named bfwmteamserver, bfwmtsrepository, and bfwmtsauth.
If your new tomcat installation is in the same directory location as the old one, then you may be able to just copy these files and folders across.
If not, then I would suggest installing a clean TeamServer into the new Tomcat installation. Then replace the newly installed TeamServerData directory with the one from your old install.
Once done you will need to update some paths in the TeamServer database. Please see the end of the Configuring TeamServer Authentication documentation page ( https://www.hyfinity.com/docs/hyfinity/v9-5/Common/TeamServer/Configuring%20Authentication.html ) for details on how to connect to the database, and then update the path locations as needed in the SYSTEMPROPERTIES table.
I hope this helps.
Morning Gerard
thanks for this. Just a bit more info:
our setup is as follows
d:\WM_TeamServer containsthe data and teamserver-db folders
d:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0_Tomcat7WM\webapps
bfwmteamserver, bfwmtsauth and bfwmtsrepository.
We've installed tomcat 8 to
d:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat8WM\webapps
do you think we can get away with just copying the folders across?
Thanks for all your help
Hi kidder,
Given that your new install is in a different path, you will not be able to just copy the folders across I+?+?+?m afraid.
I think your best approach will be as I mentioned above: back up your WM_TeamServer data directory, install the TeamServer to the new location, put the old data back in, and then update the paths in the database.
Hopefully this will work ok for you, but let me know if you have any issues.
Ok, thanks Gerard - I presume
Also, we're upgrading to a
Hi kidder,
If you will be using a different data directory as well as Tomcat location, then you could have multiple installs, although I wouldn+?+?+?t run both at the same time.
If you want to keep the same data directory, then I would uninstall the existing TeamServer first to prevent possible corruption of your data by being accessed from two different installations.
In either case, I would take a backup of your data directory first though!
Generally, I would recommend keeping the TeamServer version in sync with the WM studio version you are using.
If you are sticking with the WM7 studio for now, then I would keep using the v7 TeamServer.
The TeamServer is separate from the runtime platform, so this shouldn+?+?+?t stop you from upgrading the BizFlow server environment (including the WM runtime).
Thanks for this Gerard, its
The install for TS7 explicitly asks for a Tomcat7 install directory - can I assume that it will install/work correctly with a tomcat8.5.4 install?
Hi kidder,
The v7 TeamServer was designed and tested with Tomcat 7 as that is what is shipped with the v7 WebMaker studio.
Given it is based on Java standards/APIs though, I would expect it to work fine on later Tomcat versions.
I've uninstalled TS and then re-installed it. following the instructions re: Squirrel and Apache Derby...I've copied in the backed up Data and teamserver-db folders and amended the paths. When I launch WM on my pc, it does not give me an option to connect to teamserver. Is there another step I need to do to get it installed/recognised?
Hi kidder,
Can you clarify what you mean by +?+?++it does not give me an option to connect to teamserver+?+?+??
Do you not have the +?+?++Connect to Team Server+?+?+? option on the Team menu?
Or is this still there, but you get an error when you try and connect to a specific server? If so, does the error message provide any useful information?
I believe that in the BizFlow WebMaker case, the BizFlow session details are used as part of the Team Server authentication process. Therefore can you please check that you have started WebMaker from BPS so that we know this information will be available.
Hopefully we will get this working again for you soon!
I've started WM from BPS. The option for 'connect to TeamServer (indeed all TS options) are greyed out and the icon/shortcut in the app is not present.
Thanks for your help!
Hi kidder,
That does sound strange. Is this the same WM7 studio installation as you have been using previously? Has anything been changed with the studio install?
Are the rest of the menu options working correctly, eg can you open a project and then get the appropriate options enabled?
Can you try clearing your browser cache and see if this makes any difference to the behaviour you are seeing?
yes, it is the same install of WM7 - the only thing changed is BPS has been upgraded. The other menu items seem ok. However, when I open a project it doesn't open...
I've cleared the cache, and it hasn't made any difference
Hi kidder,
Is it possible that your studio installation has been corrupted somehow by the BPS update? The ability to open a project or bring up the +?+?++Connect to Team Server+?+?+? dialog shouldn+?+?+?t be impacted by changes to the Team Server installation.
If you could open a project I was going to suggest clicking on the cloud icon next to the project name in the header strip to see if that lets you connect to the Team Server. Given you can+?+?+?t open a project though this wont help.
You could try in a different web browser to see if you get the same behaviour, but at this point I am thinking it might be worth trying to reinstall the studio.
Hi Gerard
I'd just come to this same conclusion - my colleague has been busy with other aspects of the upgrade, but I asked him to try it yesterday and it worked for him!
Thanks for your assistance, and sorry for bothering you...
No worries, I hope you manage