Please help to figure this out,
Throws an error in the test dashboard,
"Unable to update factbase. Rule ID: get_BizFlowService-Access_Service_from_GetWICDetails-Controller_rule Result ID: ExpandProcessVariables"
Essentially no change was made since the time it worked to now, tried even with an older copy of export still no luck. any pointer to resolve the would be helpfull. attached the log file as well.
Also, the error is not project specific occurs on all of em.
Please help to figure this out,
Throws an error in the test dashboard,
"Unable to update factbase. Rule ID: get_BizFlowService-Access_Service_from_GetWICDetails-Controller_rule Result ID: ExpandProcessVariables"
Essentially no change was made since the time it worked to now, tried even with an older copy of export still no luck. any pointer to resolve the would be helpfull. attached the log file as well.
Also, the error is not project specific occurs on all of em.
RE: Unable to update factbase -error
It is not clear from the logs why it has not got any details from the BizFlow Server.
There is a Soap Envelope and Body with a root element, but no detailed content for the web service call.
So, it is assumed that the URL being called is at least a valid BizFlow Server.
If there is a major error it should return an explicit Soap Fault.
Some possible considerations are that the server does not have the details you are trying to retrieve, or, there is some security (access permissions) or version issue that could be preventing your call from accessing the details you require?
One of the BizFlow Teammay be able to provid some common pointers?
Things to look at:
1) You can logon via a browser to the BizFlow Server and check that the data is actually present.
2) Check the version of the product is what you would expect and possibly check the licensing.
3) Check out the access permissions for using the Web Service.
For reference: To be able to see the actual URL called for the Web Service, you will need to change the Application Configuration settings via the Dashboard to set to debug level. WebMaker does show an error log if the URL is completely invalid in normal log reporting level, but not if it is a succesful URL call.
Let us know by updating the entry.