What would be the best practice to publish WebMaker projects automatically?
Is there any way to publish the WebMaker projects via shell commands or API? I would like make WebMakder projects automated. like daily build in my CI (continuous integration) tool like Jenkins.
If I can publish my project via command lines, I may be able to automate WM project publication in my CI (continuous integration tool, like Jenkins).
Any advice will be appreciated.
Is there any way to publish the WebMaker projects via shell commands or API? I would like make WebMakder projects automated. like daily build in my CI (continuous integration) tool like Jenkins.
If I can publish my project via command lines, I may be able to automate WM project publication in my CI (continuous integration tool, like Jenkins).
Any advice will be appreciated.
RE: Any commands or APIs to publish my webmaker projects?
Please have a look at the following post, which will hopefully help with this.
RE: Any commands or APIs to publish my webmaker projects?
Is it possible to upload WebMaker project export zip files to the WebMaker studio thru command line or API?
I have WebMaker project export zip files in Github. I would like to automate WebMaker deployment from Github (or local drive) to WebMaker servers on test environment.
RE: Any commands or APIs to publish my webmaker projects?
We don+?+?+?t currently have a SOAP API for the import process, but you should be able to call it from the command line.
You would first need to extract the export zip file into a temporary location, and then create an importRequest.xml document containing the following content:
<migrate_project xmlns="http://www.hyfinity.com/xfactory"> <request> <import> <user>[workspace name to place the project in]</user> <instance>[name to use for imported project]</instance> <location>[full path to temp directory containing extracted export zip]</location> <webapps_location></webapps_location> <replace>true</replace> </import> </request> </migrate_project>
Finally use a bat file like the following to actually call the import process:
@echo off set jprogloc=[webmaker install location] set jarloc=%jprogloc%/design/tomcat-design/lib set cp=. set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/activation.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/castor_modified.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/commons-lang-2.0.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/commons-codec-1.3.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/commons-codec-1.6.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/commons-dbcp-1.2.2.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/httpclient-4.2.3.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/httpmime-4.2.3.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/httpcore-4.2.2.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/commons-pool-1.4.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/commons-io-1.3.2.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/jaxen-1.1-beta-7-SNAPSHOT.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/jaxen-1.1.1.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/mail.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/saxpath.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/smtp.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/soap.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/xengine.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/xplatform.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/studioengines.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/log4j-1.2.15.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/xmlunit1.0.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/core-renderer.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/imgscalr-lib-4.2.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/servlet-api.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/derby.jar set cp=%cp%;%jarloc%/org.eclipse.jgit-; set endorsedDIR=%jprogloc%/design/tomcat-design/endorsed; java -cp "%cp%" -Djava.endorsed.dirs="%endorsedDIR%" com.hyfinity.xplatform.XPlatformLauncher "%jprogloc%/design/morphyc/xmigrate_morphyc.xml" importRequest.xml importResponse.xml mvc-xmigrate-import_project-initialisation
You may find that Tomcat needs to be stopped for this process to complete successfully.
I hope this is useful. Please be aware that whilst you can use this command, it isn+?+?+?t officially documented/supported, and so may change in newer WebMaker versions.