Many tables that are displayed, often have a requirement to suppress field values from being displayed based on having the same value in the field value of the row above. The following steps can be taken to hide the content of the field so that it is not sent to the browser and rendered at all.
The steps are:
1) Go to the 'Field Details' tab within FormMaker and open up the 'Visibility Details' section for the Field. Click on the 'Hide Field Based on Runtime Server Data?' item. This indicates that you wish to hide the value of the field based on a data binding value.
2) Go to the 'Data Binding' tab and you will see that another 'Hide if' binding has appeared that needs to be populated. The xpath below shows the syntax required. It will be necessary to change the bold parts relevant to the fields in the XML.
mvc:depart-time[. = ../preceding-sibling::mvc:flight[1]/mvc:depart-time]
This xpath says check only the previous row field to see if it matches the current row's field value. If the xpath is valid then the relevant matches will be shown on the example document on the right hand panel of the 'Data Bindings' page.
Note: For further options on xpath syntax, please consult the W3C schools site:
The steps are:
1) Go to the 'Field Details' tab within FormMaker and open up the 'Visibility Details' section for the Field. Click on the 'Hide Field Based on Runtime Server Data?' item. This indicates that you wish to hide the value of the field based on a data binding value.
2) Go to the 'Data Binding' tab and you will see that another 'Hide if' binding has appeared that needs to be populated. The xpath below shows the syntax required. It will be necessary to change the bold parts relevant to the fields in the XML.
mvc:depart-time[. = ../preceding-sibling::mvc:flight[1]/mvc:depart-time]
This xpath says check only the previous row field to see if it matches the current row's field value. If the xpath is valid then the relevant matches will be shown on the example document on the right hand panel of the 'Data Bindings' page.
Note: For further options on xpath syntax, please consult the W3C schools site: