Dashboard Installation
Within the WebMaker Design Studio the Test Dashboard is integrated and available from most screens as an icon in the top right hand section. This version of the Dashboard operates with the test runtime application on your local machine.
Note: This entry only applies to WebMaker V3 or 4. For details on installation for WebMaker V5+ please refer to: Installing Dashboard for V5+
In some situations you may need to deploy a version of the Test Dashboard that runs on a System Test, Acceptance Test or Production Server.
This can be required if you are looking to debug or manage some optimisation aspects of applications in that environment.
In order to use the Test Dashboard within a runtime environment please use the following installation steps.
Dashboard installation within a runtime environment
Copy the Studio Dashboard webapp from the {deployment_location}/design/tomcat-design/webapps directory on your local machine to the equivalent runtime directory on the server. For Hyfinity WebMaker users this will typically be {deployment_location}/runtime/tomcat-runtime/webapps, but will need to adjusted accordingly based on your own webserver environment.
For example, BizFlow WebMaker installations the destination location should be the same directory level as the bizflowwebmaker application hosted on the server at Tomcat 6.0./webapp directory.
Copy the dashboard blueprint directory from the {deployment_location}/design/blueprints directory on your local machine to the equivalent runtime directory. The destination location will be nested within the directory above: /doc.
Copy the Dashboard_morphyc.xml file from the {deployment_location}/design/morphyc directory on your local machine to the equivalent runtime directory. The destination location will be nested within the directory above: /doc
Now edit the web.xml file for the remote Dashboard located at webapps/Dashboard/WEB-INF to reflect the location of the runtime doc/Dashboard_morphyc.xml file. The web.xml file will typically look like the example below after the changes have been applied:
Finally change the Dashboard_morphyc.xml file to indicate the various log file locations and also change the blueprints element to reflect the new location of the Dashboard blueprint within the new environment. Typically, the Dashboard_morphyc.xml file will typically look like the example below after the changes have been applied.
Please note that the xstore project element has been deleted since this is not required within the server runtime environment.
Dashboard Startup
Once installed, you can start the Dashboard using the URL:
Note: BizFlow WebMaker installation will need to insert /bizflowwebmaker in to the URL above directly after the <port>.
Selecting the project to monitor
Unlike the WebMaker Design Studio environment, the Dashboard on the server environment does not know which project to load by default. You can select the project (morphyc file) path by using the browse button on the first screen of the Dashboard. Please note that the browse button will only work if the morphyc file is on the local machine. If a remote server location is being used then please type in the correct path directly into the text box.
Reloading an Application
Within the runtime Dashboard you have to use the URL to restart a particular web application after any morphyc file configuration settings have been altered via theDashboard:
Note: Please remember that normally there is no need to restart the platform.
Refreshing logs
Within the runtime Dashboard you have to use the following URL to refresh the logs in order to ensure revised log settings are applied to the running platform:
Within the WebMaker Design Studio the Test Dashboard is integrated and available from most screens as an icon in the top right hand section. This version of the Dashboard operates with the test runtime application on your local machine.
Note: This entry only applies to WebMaker V3 or 4. For details on installation for WebMaker V5+ please refer to: Installing Dashboard for V5+
In some situations you may need to deploy a version of the Test Dashboard that runs on a System Test, Acceptance Test or Production Server.
This can be required if you are looking to debug or manage some optimisation aspects of applications in that environment.
In order to use the Test Dashboard within a runtime environment please use the following installation steps.
Dashboard installation within a runtime environment
Copy the Studio Dashboard webapp from the {deployment_location}/design/tomcat-design/webapps directory on your local machine to the equivalent runtime directory on the server. For Hyfinity WebMaker users this will typically be {deployment_location}/runtime/tomcat-runtime/webapps, but will need to adjusted accordingly based on your own webserver environment.
For example, BizFlow WebMaker installations the destination location should be the same directory level as the bizflowwebmaker application hosted on the server at Tomcat 6.0./webapp directory.
Copy the dashboard blueprint directory from the {deployment_location}/design/blueprints directory on your local machine to the equivalent runtime directory. The destination location will be nested within the directory above: /doc.
Copy the Dashboard_morphyc.xml file from the {deployment_location}/design/morphyc directory on your local machine to the equivalent runtime directory. The destination location will be nested within the directory above: /doc
Now edit the web.xml file for the remote Dashboard located at webapps/Dashboard/WEB-INF to reflect the location of the runtime doc/Dashboard_morphyc.xml file. The web.xml file will typically look like the example below after the changes have been applied:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd">
Finally change the Dashboard_morphyc.xml file to indicate the various log file locations and also change the blueprints element to reflect the new location of the Dashboard blueprint within the new environment. Typically, the Dashboard_morphyc.xml file will typically look like the example below after the changes have been applied.
Please note that the xstore project element has been deleted since this is not required within the server runtime environment.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<morphyc xmlns="http://www.hyfinity.com/xfactory" xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format" xmlns:xfact="http://www.hyfinity.com/xfactory" xmlns:xg="http://www.hyfinity.com/xgate">
<xplatform mode="on-demand">
<pooling max="5" min="1" pooled="true"/>
<platform_logging check_log_overrides="false" log="true">
<development_logging check_log_overrides="false" log="false">
<administration_logging log="false">
<xfact:project desc="" location="[color=#800000]dashboard/mvc/[/color]" name="mvc-Dashboard"/>
Dashboard Startup
Once installed, you can start the Dashboard using the URL:
Note: BizFlow WebMaker installation will need to insert /bizflowwebmaker in to the URL above directly after the <port>.
Selecting the project to monitor
Unlike the WebMaker Design Studio environment, the Dashboard on the server environment does not know which project to load by default. You can select the project (morphyc file) path by using the browse button on the first screen of the Dashboard. Please note that the browse button will only work if the morphyc file is on the local machine. If a remote server location is being used then please type in the correct path directly into the text box.
Reloading an Application
Within the runtime Dashboard you have to use the URL to restart a particular web application after any morphyc file configuration settings have been altered via theDashboard:
Note: Please remember that normally there is no need to restart the platform.
Refreshing logs
Within the runtime Dashboard you have to use the following URL to refresh the logs in order to ensure revised log settings are applied to the running platform:
RE: Installing the Dashboard within a Runtime Environment
And then I read closer .... and saw the reload_application.do url... :dodgy:
It's working now.
RE: Installing the Dashboard within a Runtime Environment
RE: Installing the Dashboard within a Runtime Environment
I figured it out. I found the location where I can edit the configuration that is published under Publication settings. Everything is working. This REALLY helps on debugging Bizflow Webmaker forms! FYI, I use the local version of dashboard, not the server location. I have a share on the server allowing me to get to the tomcat directories for the morphyc and log files.