Hi guys
we're having a couple of issues with our TS installation. One of our developers has checked in a project, yet we can't see it in the version list. We've lost quite a bit of work because of this, as when they tried to re-check out the project it opened an old version. Is their any way to recover the project?
we're having a couple of issues with our TS installation. One of our developers has checked in a project, yet we can't see it in the version list. We've lost quite a bit of work because of this, as when they tried to re-check out the project it opened an old version. Is their any way to recover the project?
RE: Team Server Issues
Can you provide some more details of the steps that were performed, and what happened at each stage? This would be helpful to try and understand how some work could be lost.
What does the user now see in the version history for the project? What about the save history list?
What do other users see for this project in version history etc? Does this differ if they have the project downloaded or not?
If none of these screens show the work that you are expecting, it might still be possible to recover it manually. In this case, if you could send through a zipped copy of the project directory (eg the .../users/user1/workspace/mvc/project directory) from the machine of the developer who did the work, then I can investigate further.
This can't be a project export, as these don't contain the version history details.
Hopefully we can get the changes back, and work out what has happened in this case.
RE: Team Server Issues
I think that the project was checked in yesterday evening as Kat had asked me to look at it for her this morning. I then logged into TS this morning, and pulled down the latest version. This was out of date. I asked Kat to check in the project, but to do so it insisted thast she check out the project first. She did this and it overwrote the project on her pc with the out of date version. Looking in the logs there may have been some kind of error. CAS.log has this
2016-04-11 18:32:25,144 WARN [org.jasig.cas.util.SimpleHttpClient] - Error Sending message to url endpoint [http://localhost:7070/VersionManagement/loginResponse.do]. Error is [Connection refused: connect].
Kat has nothing in the save history list for the project, and an out of date version in the version history - last check in 21/03. I see the same in Version History. I can't tell if if differs if you have the project downloaded or not because there is only Kat and I with WM7 installed.
RE: Team Server Issues
Thanks for the additional information.
Do you know if Kat got a prompt about checking out her version or the 'latest' version this morning when she tried to check in again?
Were there any other details provided in the CAS log file? Could you also check on the server in the .../webapps/bfwmteamserver/doc/teamserver_log.txt file for me?
Also, if Kat hasn't restarted her Studio since last night, it would be useful to check if there are any details in the .../design/blueprints/xlog/xde_services_log.txt file within her install.
If you are able to zip up the project directory from Kat's machine I can have a look to see if anything can be recovered.
RE: Team Server Issues
Kat's just in the middle of a delivery at the moment (she stayed late to recreate the work lost :( ) so i'm waiting for her to let me know the answers. We've also got some email issues sending zip files - i'll get the files to you as soon as i can. Thanks for your help with this.
RE: Team Server Issues
Thanks for the update.
I'm sorry you guys have had to spend extra effort to recreate the lost work.
If you are able to get the details across, then at least we might be able to work out what happened in this case to help prevent it in the future.
If it helps, you could try sending the files via Skype instead of email.
RE: Team Server Issues
We have notice a number of hs_err_pidxxxx.mdmp files in our Tomcat7 for WebMaker folder, these dump files are nearly 2.5GB each and are accompanied by a log file. Do you know why they might be appearing?
Yesterday I tried to connect to Team Server and the connecting process just hung. I tried to stop the TomcatWM service but the stopping process hung. I killed the pid for the service, started TomcatWM and was able to connect to TS.
I noticed that a new dump file had been created at the time of the issue (I've attach a log file, renamed txt).
Are these files related to TS connection issues?
RE: Team Server Issues
You get those sorts of files generated when the JVM has crashed for some reason. I believe the big files contain a dump of what was in memory at that point.
Unfortunately, from a quick look at the file you have provided I can't really see anything obvious indicating what the cause of the crash was.
Do you know if the error files were present before you killed the process? This would help indicate whether the JVM crashed, causing the hanging, or whether the 'crash' might have actually been the process getting killed.
Have you noticed any kind of pattern around when these error files appear?
Have you had the issue of the TS connection hanging before? If so, are you able to replicate it?
RE: Team Server Issues
Hi Gerard,
We are not able to replicate at will but this morning Kat was trying to download a project from TS, the projects list failed to load, we tried to stop Tomcat WM but that reported a state of NOT_STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, IGNORES_SHUTDOWN. At this point the huge dump file is created (we did not kill the service this time).
When the dump is complete, the service is freed up to start again.
This must have been happening since February when we installed Bizflow 12.3
The log and dump files started from February.
RE: Team Server Issues
Thanks for the details.
Can you clarify what applications you have running on the Tomcat instance? Is this just the Team Server, or do you have other apps running on it as well? (eg BizFlow)
Can you also confirm the exact versions of both Tomcat and Java that you are running?
The following log locations may get used by the Team Server so it would be great if you could check these to see if any error details have been recorded:
<tomcat dir>/webapps/bfwmteamserver/doc/teamserver_log.txt
RE: Team Server Issues
Apache Tomcat 7.0.64
Bizflow uses our 32bit Tomcat instance.
Apache Tomcat 7.0.34
Hi Gerard,
I've attached some details from the log files.