The dialog control makes use of the dijit.Dialog widget to provide the functionality, and unfortunately I don+?+?+?t think this supports allowing the user to resize it.
There may be ways to extend this to allow resizing, but this is not something I+?+?+?ve done or seen before so I can+?+?+?t really help with this.
If instead you need to change the size of the dialog to a known size, then you should be able to use the resize method, eg
var dialog = dijit.byId('popup_dialog_container_group');
dialog.resize({w: newWidth, h : newHeight});
dialog.layout(); //to reposition in the centre of the screen
RE: How to make popup dialogs resizable
The dialog control makes use of the dijit.Dialog widget to provide the functionality, and unfortunately I don+?+?+?t think this supports allowing the user to resize it.
There may be ways to extend this to allow resizing, but this is not something I+?+?+?ve done or seen before so I can+?+?+?t really help with this.
If instead you need to change the size of the dialog to a known size, then you should be able to use the resize method, eg
var dialog = dijit.byId('popup_dialog_container_group'); dialog.resize({w: newWidth, h : newHeight}); dialog.layout(); //to reposition in the centre of the screen
RE: How to make popup dialogs resizable