I have a webmaker form, and within that form I have a link. If a user clicks that link, the user should be able to start a different process model that has a different webmaker form. Then, when the user is done with that, the user should be able to go back to where they were at in the original form. Is this possible?
I have a webmaker form, and within that form I have a link. If a user clicks that link, the user should be able to start a different process model that has a different webmaker form. Then, when the user is done with that, the user should be able to go back to where they were at in the original form. Is this possible?
RE: Possible to call a bizflow application from a webmaker form?
You should be able to initiate a process relatively easily by making a webservice call. From the BizFlow Administration screens you can publish a web service to enable initiation of any process that you want. (I am not sure of the details on this though, so if you need more information you will probably need to contact BizFlow directly.)
You can then pull the WSDL for this web service into WebMaker in the normal way, and initiate a call to the service when the user clicks the link.
You would then need to work out how to automatically open up the form for this new process, which might be trickier.
I think you will need to ask BizFlow whether they support a way of directly opening up a particular work item, eg by passing appropriate URL params. If so, then you would be able to navigate to this URL relatively easily from your existing form.
If they don+?+?+?t support this, then your best option might be just to open up the BizFlow home screen where they will see the newly created process listed.
You probably wont be able to open up the new form without going through BizFlow as there are a few different parameters that the WebMaker form expects to receive from BizFlow, and I think you may find it hard to replicate these details.
I+?+?+?m sorry I can+?+?+?t give you a more complete answer, but hopefully this gives you some pointers.
It would be great if you could let me know how you get on with this, and if you get any additional info from BizFlow.
Many thanks,
RE: Possible to call a bizflow application from a webmaker form?
The workaround was to either 1. open up the bizflow home screen where they will see the newly created process listed or 2. just to add the application as a page/partial page in the original application.