Need a little help. Pulling my hair out on this....
Bizflow Webmaker 12 / Webmaker 4
We are creating a Webmaker project from an existing project (rename). But they connect to different Bizflow processes with different process variables. I pulled in the correct process using data source, changed xml structures and bindings, and even deleted the "data source" in the form and reconnected it. But no matter what I do, in the XSL file the XML structure for the WIC has the process variables from the previous process, not the new one. So when it posts the form it shows the variables unbound and will not update them.
HOW or WHAT do I change or do to get the correct XML structure to post?
Bizflow Webmaker 12 / Webmaker 4
We are creating a Webmaker project from an existing project (rename). But they connect to different Bizflow processes with different process variables. I pulled in the correct process using data source, changed xml structures and bindings, and even deleted the "data source" in the form and reconnected it. But no matter what I do, in the XSL file the XML structure for the WIC has the process variables from the previous process, not the new one. So when it posts the form it shows the variables unbound and will not update them.
HOW or WHAT do I change or do to get the correct XML structure to post?
RE: Problem with XML generated in XSL
RE: Problem with XML generated in XSL
Is it a partial page? If it is then try amending the submission bindings for the action in the full (parent) page and saving the modifications on the bindings tab.
RE: Problem with XML generated in XSL
No. It's a full page. I've changed the bindings but it always generates the old WIC xml in the xsl with the old process variables in the WIC. It ignores the xml bindings I use in the page.
I cannot find where those old values are being stored. I searched the whole directory in the repository, but it's pulling them from somewhere. I deleted the datasource reference (WorkitemContext) in the application.xml, and added it back. It did everything I expected but it still generated the wrong xml in the xsl. Because that is what is posted to the server, it unbinds the new process variables so they are never updated.
Does that make sense? I was trying to figure out where it was getting the information for the xml in the xsl if it's not coming from the bindings xml.
Thanks for the help. I appreciate how responsive you and Gerard.
RE: Problem with XML generated in XSL
Have a look at the "Advanced Bindings Mode Options" section on the Bindings tab and let me know the settings. Depending on the bindings mode, the doc could be "codified" and embedded within the page xsl itself, which is why you might not be able to locate it. With other options WebMaker might create the bindings doc dynamically using a server data structure at runtime.
RE: Problem with XML generated in XSL
Checked - User server-side data binding
Unchecked - Set bindings and structure on another action
Checked - Use base document structure
Checked - Keep previous form data
RE: Problem with XML generated in XSL
I was unclear on whether you had tried the following:
On the bindings tab select the submission bindings for the action you are interested in.
On the right hand panel click "Edit Document" and make any arbitrary changes you need to structure the document as required. WebMaker creates an initial version based on the structure of the relevant data source, which you can change as required.
Save your modifications and click the "Refresh" link. You should see your changes reflected on the right hand side document structure.
Recheck and rebind your data against the modified binding document structure.
Please ensure the general structure of the document is preserved because BizFlow relies on this structure to interpret the submitted data from WebMaker.
RE: Problem with XML generated in XSL
Look at the "ProcessVariable" section in the WorkitemContext for the attached files.
Note: added Bizflow_WorkitemContext.xsd for you to see that the correct process variables are in that file.
RE: Problem with XML generated in XSL
I think this might be a known bug, fixed in WM v7. Of all the actions that are based on another action, it's the binding document for the very first action on the list that is used for all actions in some cases unfortunately.
I'm unsure about the exact binding functionality in v4, but you could try the following:
Find the action that contains the required binding document, calling_callUpdateBizFlow_action.xml in your case.
Copy this xml structure and place it within the binding document of the very first action on the list.
Hopefully this will help, but please let me know how you get on.
Kind Regards
RE: Problem with XML generated in XSL
RE: Problem with XML generated in XSL