I need to be able to have a user be able to enter data in a Webmaker form and have that data be printed out to an existing PDF document. I found that I can use PDFbox to write to a PDF document. However, my question is, how would I be able to call that Java function in Webmaker?
Also, is there a way to already do this in Webmaker?
I need to be able to have a user be able to enter data in a Webmaker form and have that data be printed out to an existing PDF document. I found that I can use PDFbox to write to a PDF document. However, my question is, how would I be able to call that Java function in Webmaker?
Also, is there a way to already do this in Webmaker?
RE: PDF Function in Webmaker
There is no built in PDF capability in WebMaker, but we have had success with some third party tools in the past.
If you are able to achieve what you need by using PDFbox then that sounds like a good option. You should be able to call this relatively easily from your rules using a Java Method.
You should be able to find some details on how Java Methods work in the documentation: http://www.hyfinity.net/mvcdocumentation_v7/index.html?page=Rules%20Design%20Reference_Java%20Method
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.