We've noticed our webmaker forms are in Quirks mode in the Bizflow WIH. Does any know of a way to get to the "document" back to IE9? We are on Bizflow 11.7, not 12. Bizflow 11.7 runs everything in quirks mode and I'm hoping they fixed that in 12.
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RE: IE9 Quirk mode for Bizflow
Unfortunately I don't think it is possible to get the forms to render in IE9 standards mode within the BizFlow 11 WIH.
My understanding is that in IE9 a contained frame can't run in IE9 standards mode unless the parent page is.
See this diagram for details on how the document mode is determined:
You can use meta tags to try and control the document mode that IE uses (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc288325%28v=vs.85%29.aspx for details) but in my testing this will allow you to reduce the document mode for the WebMaker form (eg to IE7 mode or quirks mode) but you cant get above IE8 standards mode.
I think this matches the first diagram where it says that if the top level page is not in IE9 standards mode the 'IFRAME can not render in IE9 Standards Mode'.
So with BizFlow 11 I think the best you can get to is for the WebMaker forms to render in IE8 standards mode within the WIH. (If you manage otherwise, please let me know!)
The only good news is that I believe BizFlow 12 runs in standards mode, so this problem is not present in the new version.