Hello hyfinity team
Does webmaker support publication to clusters?
A project was published on a cluster, but it was successful on 1 server. It did not publish on the second server.
Thank you!
Does webmaker support publication to clusters?
A project was published on a cluster, but it was successful on 1 server. It did not publish on the second server.
Thank you!
RE: publication to cluster
There is no explicit support for deployments to clustered environments, but WebMaker publishes to a URL. What does your URL point to? Is this pointing to a physical server on your cluster or some load balancing component in from of the clustered servers? If you have access to the individual servers then you should be able to perform multiple deployments using specific URLs. You can also publish once and use a batch job to copy the published directory to your other servers, which should be faster than multiple publications.
An additional item to be aware of is to ensure you have sticky sessions for your runtime application to ensure that a user returns to the same server once they have been allocated a session on that server.
Kind Regards
RE: publication to cluster
Thank you!
RE: publication to cluster
Thank you!