I have some currency fields in a edit table with a total field at the end. I have an on-change event on each of the fields to fire a javascript function that sums and updates the total field. The event and script works fine in IE and Chrome, but won't even fire in FireFox. I changed one to a on-blur, but it still won't fire. I see the code in Firefox, but when I put a break on it (firebug) it doesn't seem to fire. I'm using a on-change on a select box in a non-edit table and it works in firefox. Any ideas?[hr][/hr]
OK. More testing. Seems to be the currency fields on the edit table that are not firing events. Is there some dojo thingy I need to pre-load?
OK. More testing. Seems to be the currency fields on the edit table that are not firing events. Is there some dojo thingy I need to pre-load?
RE: EditTable events not firing in FireFox
Have you tried using the dojo.connect option?
The following link is not the same issue, but should provide some ideas on approach. I'll try and dig into this a little bit more if this approach does not resolve your problem.
Kind Regards
RE: EditTable events not firing in FireFox
The problem with that is that this is in a repeat (editable table) group. The example is for a single field, not a repeated field.
RE: EditTable events not firing in FireFox
Please try the following linked to a page onload event and let me know how you get on. You'll eventually have to narrow down the container.
function doCurrency() { dojo.connect(dojo.parser, "parse", function(container){ if (typeof(container)!="undefined"){ dojo.forEach(dijit.findWidgets(container), function(dgt) { dojo.connect(dgt, "onChange", function(){alert("do some currency work")}) }) } }) }
Kind Regards