Would you have any information regarding best practices for promoting WebMaker projects from development to test to production environments? How can the database connections and related server information most efficiently be updated as the project moves from one environment to another?
RE: Best Practices for Deployment
You can create new publication environments and assign new values for the various database and service settings. You can use the Deploy & Publish tab from within the main WebMaker Project tab. Within the Deploy & Publish tab you can use the Publication tab to define new publication environments. You can select the Type of publication platform and also the application.name and fallback.server.url. Under the Agent Configuration for this Environment section you should be able to locate the specific parameters. Once you have defined your new environment, it should appear within FormMaker under the Publish button.
You may have some additional considerations if you are using BizFlow WebMaker:
application.name - You can normally leave this blank and your project name will be used as its value to form part of the URL for your published application.
fallback.server.url - BizFlow normally passes this parameter to WebMaker, which will typically point to your development server. You can indicate your UAT server location here for example, but make sure you set the force.fallback entry to true to ensure the BizFlow supplied URL is overriden
force.fallback - set this to true to override the BizFlow supplied server URL
If you have a lot of projects to publish or do not want to publish directly to a particular environment you can copy the necessary project from one environment to another by simply copying files. For example, if you have published your application to
C:\Program Files (x86)\BizFlow\WebMaker\runtime\tomcat-runtime\webapps\bizflowwebmaker\YourProject and completed your testing within this location then you should be able to copy your project directory to another location and modify the environment-specific settings contained in a file named morphyc.xml. This file will be located within the doc directory. This location is C:\Program Files (x86)\BizFlow\WebMaker\runtime\tomcat-runtime\webapps\bizflowwebmaker\YourProject\doc in this example. Within the morphyc file you should find a fragment called <xfact:agent_configuration xmlns:xfact="http://www.hyfinity.com/xfactory">, which contains the necessary configuration information.
You should be able to keep a set of morphyc files and incorporate them as part of a batch job if necessary to copy project directories and replace the morphyc files in different environments as required.
I hope this helps.
Kind Regards