I have a combo box which needs to be disabled in some conditions. If I use disabled type=disabled, the user cannot change the value (as intended) but the value is not bound to the action submission XML so the database ends up replacing any prior value with blank. If I use "read-only" then, even though the "not allowed" symbol shows when you hover over the field, the user can still pull down the list and select a diffferent value and this value is passed out as the value to be saved...
This issue is occurring in my editbale table as well as a field on the main form.
This issue is occurring in my editbale table as well as a field on the main form.
RE: Disabling combo box
When fields are disabled their values do not get submitted. This is how html forms work. I assume you are disabling the field using Javascript rather than the server-binding option?
The best approach for you is to create a hidden field for each disabled control and set the page display binding to the same xpath as the binding for the disabled control. But, instead of binding the disabled control to the action submission binding, bind the hidden field instead. Finally make sure that you either assign the original value or blank to the hidden field whenever you enable or disable the select control.
If you have to do this for a lot of fields then let me know. I can provide a couple of utility functions that can be used to automate the creation, removal and styling for the hidden and disabled fields.
I hope this helps, but please let me know if you need further assistance.
RE: Disabling combo box
In regard to your question, no I am not using script to disable, I am using server-side data binding.
RE: Disabling combo box
Sorry I assumed you were using script. I'm not sure how you are managing to submit your values using the disabled option for the visibility. I assume you are using Disable Field Based on Runtime Server Data? under Visibility Details? Are you using the read only option for the fields that successfully submit values rather than the disabled option? There is a difference in the generated HTML depending on which option you choose, which can impact the submission behaviour.
I'm sorry about the confusion, but the read only option is primarily used for text boxes, etc., so your best option for select boxes is to use the method I described earlier using hidden fields to bind your data back to the server XML structure.
I will make some enquiries about the workaround you refer to, but I assume it may be something similar to the script I mentioned earlier, which you can use if you need to do this for many select boxes.
Hi Sherman
You may find the following script useful:
/** * Disables an individual field, including the creation of the hidden field to enable data submission. * @param strField Name of field to disable * @param strValue Value of the field to disable */ function disableField(strField, strValue) { dojo.byId(strField).value = strValue; dojo.byId(strField).className = 'disabled'; dojo.byId(strField).disabled = true; var objHiddenField = document.createElement('input'); objHiddenField.id = 'hidden' + strField; objHiddenField.name = strField; objHiddenField.type = 'hidden'; objHiddenField.value = strValue; dojo.byId(strField).parentNode.appendChild(objHiddenField); }
You can call something similar to the following to access your select control(s) before submission:
function prepareDisabledSelectsForBinding() { if (dojo.byId('select').disabled) { disableField('select', 'submitted value when disabled'); } }
In this case select is the name of the select box. Finally, you may also find the following useful for completeness:
/** * Enables an individual field, including the removal of the hidden field used for data submission. * @param strField Name of field to enable * @param strStyleClass Style to apply once the field is enabled, typically has value 'select' for select boxes */ function enableField(strField, strStyleClass) { var objField = dojo.byId(strField); var objHiddenField = dojo.byId('hidden' + strField); if (objHiddenField != null && objField != null) { objField.className = strStyleClass objField.disabled = false; objHiddenField.parentNode.removeChild(objHiddenField); } }
Please let me know if this helps. Also, please let me know if the values that are currently submitting are non-selects and set to read only rather than disabled.
Kind Regards
RE: Disabling combo box
function disable_check()
dojo.query("input[type=checkbox]").forEach(function(node, index, array){if(node.disabled) dojo.byId(node.id + "_value_if_not_submitted").disabled=true;})
In my current project this code does not help and I am losing values if I set the control to disabled. If I use read-only as the disabled type, it only protects a text box. Combo boxes, radio buttons and check boxes can all be changed by the user, despite being read-only and the changed value is submitted to the database record. How do you protect a field from editing? Do I really need to write script for every field on my form? (Incidentally, I was able to fix the issue for a combo box by simply setting disabled = false in my oncomplete script. So long as the field is enabled when the work item is submitted, the value remains correct using "disabled" as the disabled type fo the combo box. I would hate to have to do this for every radio button and checkbox as well. [not to mention the fields in my editable tables...].)
RE: Disabling combo box
Just so I don't confuse matters further, I would appreciate a little bit more detail about what you are trying to achieve. If you simply want to display information and prevent this information being altered on the screen then you can use the disable method of disabled and this should work fine. However, this will not submit the 'locked' information back to the server.
I understood your requirement as being the need to prevent changes to fields on the screen, but still needing to submit these fields, together with other editable fields, back to the server. Is this correct?
Also, can you please let me know which disable method (disabled or read only) you are using for which types of controls.
RE: Disabling combo box
I'm wondering if you were using a dynamic binding fragment previously and lost this setting for your project. Please have a look at the Data Bindings tab. Within here, select the Action Configuration tab on the left. Now select the required action from the list on the left and check the Action Configuration information in the centre pane. Please check to see if you have Keep previous form data? checked. If not, check this value, generate and deploy and see if this exhibits the behaviour you were getting previously.
Kind Regards
RE: Disabling combo box
And your understanding was correct that I need to send the disabled fields along with the other fields to be updated in the DB. The form designer originally set all fields to disabled type = read-only. This worked OK from the data save side, but it was then noticed that checkboxes, radio buttons and selects could be altered even though they were marked as read-only (what's the point then?) so we changed them to disabled, but that created the save issue...
RE: Disabling combo box
It's not ideal and you shouldn't have to resort to script, unless you are dynamically changing the visibility on the client-side. You should be able to achieve what you need using standard WebMaker features. Please bear with me.
It's likely that you are binding back to a fragment other than formData. If you have a look just below the option for Keep previous form data? mentioned in my previous post you should see a link called Maintain Additional Data. Untick the Keep previous form data? and click the Maintain Additional Data link, which should provide an edit box to enter an XPath. You can now drag and drop the part of your submission binding fragment from the binding document on the right. This is the fragment for which you want to keep the data (e.g. /mvc:eForm/mvc :D ata/mvc:yourData). You can preserve multiple fragments if required.
Once you have done this, have a look a the Action Submission Bindings for this action (Select the Bindings tab on the left and choose Action Submission Bindings in the centre panel). The submission document on the right should now show the additional fragment(s) you have chosen to maintain.
Please note: You may have to modify the submission document to remove any static fragments within the same location that are already present because WebMaker will automatically insert these (including the data before the page is rendered) when the form is submitted. Therefore, the submission document on the right is a composite view of your static submission document, 'overlayed' with the dynamic fragments you have just specified to be maintained.
Just to clarify, this approach maintains the data as it was for the chosen fragment(s) before the page is rendered. Therefore, disabled fields with disable method=disabled will not submit data and this data will not be bound, preserving their original values. The other editable fields, which submit data will be bound in the usual manner, overwriting any previous values.
This is a powerful, but complex area and I hope I haven't confused you. Please let me know if this works and whether I can assist you further.
RE: Disabling combo box
It is working as always now.
Thanks for the reminder (and sorry for the slow reply)
RE: Disabling combo box
I hope you had a good weekend and glad you got this sorted. Please get in touch if you need anything further.
Kind Regards