Details on Previewing and Exporting pages were covered earlier. In this section we will provide additional details on the features that are available for testing and publishing your applications.
Testing Pages
When you are happy with the look-and-feel of your pages within the Preview, you can use the Run Test button on the Toolbar (or Test | Run Test menu entry) to run your complete application on the local test environment. This will open up a new tab, initially showing the 'start' page in your project. At this point you are now viewing the pages within a running application, including the application of all dynamic settings. Therefore, you can now test the navigation between pages, etc.
When testing your projects in this way, you can use the Debugger to obtain more information about your running application.
Once you are happy that the project is working correctly, the Publish functionality can be used to package your application for installation on production environments.
You can locate more comprehensive information on testing, publishing, debugging, configuring and monitoring your applications within different server environments, later in this documentation.
For additional details on testing, debugging and publishing your applications, please see the following sections: